Release Notes for E2E Bridge 5.1 BUILDER Up to version 5.1.5 (see PDF Release Notes for latest ones) ==================== RUNTIME DEPENDENCIES ==================== Following features or bugfixes require at least the indicated runtimes on server side: Runtime 5.1.50: - Compiler: SAP: Compiler supports STRING and RAWSTRING in native type - Compiler: Support hash maps Runtime 5.1.48: - Compiler: ZIP Adapter - Compiler: castValue: casting simple types is dangerous since the type constraints might be violated. Thus, castValue will check all simple type constraints given by the tagged values on <> Runtime 5.1.47: - UI: Allow service mockups: Each service can be mockuped by setting: e2eMockup["PortName.OperationName"]="xml response message string"; - Compiler: UI: performance issue: put all libraries in one file to reduce browser requests Runtime 5.1.46: - Compiler: SOAP: parser error when webservice has no response =================== E2E BUILDER - 5.1.5 since 5.1.4 =================== Contains Embedded Runtime 5.1.50 ======================= FEATURES ======== - BPMN Importer: Support basic BPMN compensation - MagicDraw: <> as UI context element - Compiler: Support hash maps - Compiler: SAP: Compiler supports STRING and RAWSTRING in native type - UI: Run view: checkboxes for Test and Trace - Run menu: Controller drop down box: please remember the last choosen UI BUGFIXES ======== - BPMN Importer: encountering problems when importing BPMN task with line feed in name - BPMN Importer: Merging Gateway must have default flow - BPMN Importer: BPMN: Endless loop, if compensation is defined but first state is not reached - BPMN Importer: generated operation names must be unique - Compiler: local-statement not allowed in mapping script - Module name erroneous - Compiler: castValue is not compiled properly if there is no value constraint - WSDL Importer: SOAP header elements must not be operation parameters - WSDL Importer: Also import WSDL files not containing services but bindings and port types only - WSDL Importer: form=`unqualified`, which is wrong - WSDL Importer: Importing WSDLs containing cyclic references might lead to endless-loops - XSD Importer: XSD including other xsd with different namespace - Exception during Build - Change sequence of menu entries for New... - Embedded Analyzer: PS Details do not show time events - WSDL File: saving the schemas nested in the type section into its own files - Action Script Editor: Suggestion missing for a local variable - Action Script Editor Undo in Action Script Editor is broken - SQL Editor cannot edit end of last line - Action Script Editor: Change escape character for attributes - Import XMI: If destination model is open, overwriting existing model does not refresh - New UI Model: Overwrite existing model must be canceled twice - WSDL Importer: corrupted elements after import - Problems when importing serveral version of same IDOC - BPMN Validation is always performed twice - Components Wizard: Manifested artifact not removed from components panel =================== E2E BUILDER - 5.1.4 since 5.1.0 =================== FEATURES ======== - Load dump files into debugger - Compiler: Set SOAP encoding on the SOAP service - Append `Template` to JMS and UI Instances - ISO 8583 Service & Adapter in Java - SQL Editor Update Statement - SQL Editor: No statement generation when output is Array - Action Script Editor Support stops after an "if" condition - Action Script Editor: Press Ctrl to get links to operations and attributes - Action Script Editor: link attributes in ASE to attribute on the content tree - Create error sub-directory of the logs dir, otherwise the error dump is not written - UI Importer: support using plain dependencies to connect use cases with UI diagrams - Set log levels in embedded runtime - Compiler: Generate adapter metadata required by the trace viewer to create backend mock ups - Embedded runtime: Provide a link to the service WSDL - Compiler: Persistent State: Allow the definition of a generic signal default handler - Compiler: Compiler: Startup/Shutdown Callback Activity - Compiler: Persistent State: Support History Entry/Exit connection references - Importer: BPMN: Generate default error and default signal handler - Importer: BPMN: Make all operations of the abstract PS abstract in order to enable compile - Importer: BPMN: Link all test operation with generated activity diagrams - Importer: BPMN: Introduce compensation - Importer: BPMN: Validation: it is not allowed to have more than one outgoing sequence flow - Importer: BPMN: Generate task interceptors onBegin()/onEnd() - Importer: BPMN: Introduce a history entry point to enable us to use the PS history states - Importer: BPMN: Calling the process state machine directly - Importer: BPMN: link all abstract operations with the BPMN diagram counterparts === BPMN Importer Incompatibilities The new BPMN importer features cause icompatibilities to older imports. If the BPMN importer is used to overwrite an older BPMN import file, the root state machine disappears since this state chart is now generated into the test model. These icompatibilities lead to orphaned proxies that must be resolved manually. === - Compiler: UI: Change default of onlyIfValid to false - Action Script Editor & JS editor on operations: display operation name and parameter over the script - Possibility to open more than one script editors - XSD/WSDL Importer: introduce new option: use file names as module names - Allow more than one depencency to a JMS queue - Compiler: UI: Allow to execute more than one service call in a transition - Compiler: UI: Services should be callable by JS scripts - Action Script Editor, JavaScript Editor, SQL Editor: search capability - Compiler: UI: performance issue: put all libraries in one file to reduce browser requests - UI: Allow service mockups: Each service can be mockuped by setting: e2eMockup["PortName.OperationName"]="xml response message string"; - UI: BPMN Importer for MID Innovator - UI: Unit tests framework - UI: introduce inner classes and the `controller` keyword to structure complex UIs - WSDL/XSD Import: map each import file to a UML module - Add file name info to the revision tab - WSDL/XSD Importer: map XS restrictions on simple types to E2EValueGeneralization - Compiler: ZIP Adapter - Compiler: castValue: casting simple types is dangerous since the type constraints might be violated. Thus, castValue will check all simple type constraints given by the tagged values on <> - Compiler: Map class attributes by name (simple and complex types) - Compiler: Introduce SAPRFCAlignment stereotype - Compiler: One WSDL per SOAP Service, externalize XSDs - Builder: Preferences: WSDL: display a tree of all files in the wsdl directory and show it - Compiler: UI: Tablesorting asc and desc - Compiler: UI: Multiselect - Compiler: UI: autocomplete BUGFIXES ======== - Compiler: E2ETestable did not work with XML encoded operations - Compiler: UI: Validation Errors stay after Re-Entry - Java EXamples do not compile - Edit Deployment Wizard crashes - Compiler: UI: Reset forms before entering - tagged value deploy is changed on activemq artifact - Corrpupted elements in component wizard - Remember Builder Projects folder - File selector window - MD hangs when steping through the model - Append `Template` to JMS and UI Instances. Otherwise it might be confusing to use them - Rose on Red Backgroud ist not readable - Run and debug afterwards results in service shutdown - Flat File Definition Importer fails for a second File - Alias creation in persistent state tab - Suggestion list does not show up in concat - JMS Connection is not re-established - text variables not resolved - Absolute file id: add breakpoint has no effect, Record/replay does not work robustly - Incorrect INSTANCES_HOME environment variable - Check whether setting() ID is unique - Corrupt files lead to confusing build exception - Handle AdapterTemplates like the AsynchronousTrace File - Generate bin/resource directory when creating a new project - no suggestion list on highlighting - Compiler: Write error if getMetaAttribute() is applied to arrays or simple types - Compiler: SSL options not available when using ftps - WSDL Importer: xml base type names are duplicated - Compiler: JavaException: emtpySequence - Action Script Editor: no suggestion list on highlighting - Absolute file id: add breakpoint has no effect, Record/replay does not work robustly - Endless loop in ComponentWizard when UIRepository is selected - JMS Adapter does not reconnect for send/receive - Persitent States: states and events areas on dialog too small - Compiler: It is not checked whether IO pins correspond with the called component IO - Compiler: If array element is not defined on an array-pin, we jump not the right element - Compiler: Reduce does work if it calls a static function on it`s elements self:xyz(element) - Compiler: Add breakpoint has no effect - Action Wizard: small bugs & features - Deployment wizard changes diagram name - Compiler: JavaException: emtpySequence - Compiler: Using Pin and having two outputs - leads to NULL - Compiler: Using Pin and select leads to error - Compiler: Select in Transformer statements on pin2pin edges did not work - Compiler: Wrong store/retrieve/remove from memory functions compile - Compiler: Wrong log-statement compiles - Compiler: No error for object and activity nodes having the same name but different types - Compiler: Exception during build because signal has not been handled - Compiler: Activity parameters without associated parameter nodes results in inconsistent repository - Compiler: 'classToXMLFragment' method of Any is missing - No suggestion at transformation to inputPin - Select statements in Transformer statements are not recognised - Action Script Editor: No suggestion list in decision if input is array - Suggestion list does not work for array elements - Interactive Debugger: breakpoint at sub-activity call without name - Compiler: Trace: Impossible to tell loop variable from other variables - Compiler: LDAP example compile fails because two settings having the same identifier - Compiler: Persistent State: connection points for sub-machines in modules do not work - Stepping focus wrong diagram - Embedded Debugger opens wrong Diagram - FlatFileImport: Attributes ID not unique - Action Script Editor: Action node loses focus after closing a dialog - Compiler: UI: corrupt JavaScript if XML attributes have been bound to multiple selection boxes - Compiler: UI: corrupt JavaScript if XML Ajax message classes had no namespace - Compiler: Removed spurious error messages such as 'Cannot assign ...' - Compiler: Removed internal IDs shown in some error messages (e.g.: 'a---b$12345') - Compiler: Pin to expansion node flow does not work if the expansion node has a type - Compiler: Check Transformation and expansion Node type - Compiler: Two output object flows starting from an expansion node lead to a compiler exception - Compiler: Mapping in iteration needs input arrows - Compiler: Iteration: Compiler must throw error if control flow is assigned to a nested action - Compiler: Iterations: OutputExpansionNode wrongly named InputExpansionNode Pin(s) missing - Importer: XSD: Support the import of xsd schemas having the same namespace - Compiler: Proxy URL inside WSDL is wrong - Importer: UI: text areas are not recognized as input fields - Importer: UI: check box bound attributes are not of type Boolean - UI Importer: Mirroring of two UIInteractions result in duplicated classes UI Importer: Comboboxes not having names result in nameless classes - Compiler: UI: `?` in operation names lead to JS exceptions - UI: Make error placement overridable - UI: fixed layout issues: check box and radio button sizes wrong, error message rendering wrong - UI: perfomance optimization: loading e2e.js/css from the cached lib path - Compiler: SOAP: parser error when webservice has no response - Compiler: Wrong compiler message for native type - Debugger does not correctly handle breakpoints on operations - Support Glassfish MQ within JMS adapter - Exception caught during build when compiling JMS Example - Edit Component Wizard leads in missing Jarfiles - Compiler: UI: If errors occur when loading the page initially, errors get not handled - Compiler: UI: Separator width is ignored - Compiler: UI: Button width is ignored - Compiler: UI: Distances should be based on font sizes not pixel lengths - Compiler: UI: Group boxes nested in containers are nor correctly layouted - Remote debugging - Compiler: UI: Improve contrast in disabled text fields - Compiler: UI: Mapping Adapter in Expansion region compiler - Compiler: UI: Service calls after decisions cannot access last template values - Compiler: UI: Default values containing " result in corrupt JS - Compiler: UI: Boolean default values set to false generate corrupt JS - Compiler: UI: IE6 does not work - Compiler: Mapping Adapter in Expansion region compiler error - Component Wizard enforces proxy usage for all SoapServicArtifacts - Compiler: UI: Print warning if we use #x but not #ID::x in JavaScript jQuery expression since this might be dangerous - Compiler: UI: If the name in ID::name contains a `_`, it is not parsed correctly - Compiler: UI: If JS operation and Service names are equal, the service is not called anymore - UI: open JavaScript editor like all other editors with Ctrl-Enter and not Shift-Enter - UI Importer: Target file dialog not consistent with other importers - UI File Resource Importer: Deploy checkbox not visible - SQL-Editor: Discard changes dialog only for changes - Action Script Editor does not take a correction in the script - JavaScript Editor: opening the editor leads to an empty operation parameter - Compiler: UI: the compiler does not complain, if eventSource refers to a Non-UI element. - Compiler: UI: After removing a button and saving the file, it is not consistent anymore - Compiler: UI: a JS script transiton handler operation must have one parameter named `event` but the compiler does not complain if this is not the case - Compiler: overriding the same attribute more than once leads to compiler error - Mandatory Alias in JMS adapter if dynamic usage is not possible any more - Add Scheduler via Wizard creates package with dollar sign - New attribute correlationIDAsBytes in class JMSMessage inserted - XSLT: running XSLT adapter with string input leads to runtime exception - Component Wizard: Add backend does not work - Space in name leads to compile exception - Cannot open project - Action Wizard: send Exception - parameters are missing - Null Pointer Exception when changing to the State View - Embedded Runtime: preferences: Overwrite State DB on re-compilation does not work - Action Wizard: Signal Action: Exception: Input parameters are not displayed - Compiler: UI: Integer default values of UI properties lead to compiler exception - Compiler: UI: XML response parse errors are not reported - Compiler: UI: the initial services and scripts must be called AFTER all event registrations - Compiler: UI: If imported service is directly called, the URI path is not calculated - Debugger shows no values - IO Pins: Input pin should hold input data and not result data - Proxy deployment leads to compiler exception - No next, Skip and finish at Backend - Dynamic JMS adapter does not work - Components Wizard: Window title of JMS artifact definition wrong - Editing of XSLT Scripts from the Component Diagram does not work anymore - Compiler: getComposite return wrong value in E2Elibraries - Compiler: Zip Adapter extractedFiles Empty - Compiler: compiler throws error String out of range - BPMN Importer: more than one catch event having the same name leads to corrupt import model - Compiler: XML namespaces are lost for inherited attributes - Builder: Import E2EValueGeneralization - Base Components/Base Types: xmlToClass: the optional input parameter `option:XMLOption` is missing in the signature - WSDL import complains missing module - WSDL/XSD Importer: map XS restrictions on simple types to E2EValueGeneralization - Compiler: ZIP Adapter - Compiler: castValue: casting simple types is dangerous since the type constraints might be violated. Thus, castValue will check all simple type constraints given by the tagged values on <> - Compiler: Map class attributes by name (simple and complex types) - Compiler: Introduce SAPRFCAlignment stereotype - Components Wizard: No next, Skip and Finish at Backend - Dynamic JMS adapter does not work - Editing of XSLT Scripts from the Component Diagram does not work anymore - Compiler: getComposite return wrong value in E2Elibraries - Compiler: Zip Adapter extractedFiles Empty - Compiler: compiler throws error String out of range - BPMN Importer: more than one catch event having the same name leads to corrupt import model - Compiler: XML namespaces are lost for inherited attributes - Builder: Import E2EValueGeneralization - Base Components/Base Types: xmlToClass: the optional input parameter `option:XMLOption` is missing in the signature - WSDL import complains missing module - Compiler: Persistent State: Boolean literals don`t work in identifier conditions - Components Wizard: Window title of JMS artifact definition wrong - WSDL Importer: imported parameters are not unique - BPMN Importer: Time events starting with a number lead to invalid attribute names - BPMN Importer: no error if the BPMN process does not have any start event - BPMN Importer: generates Scheduler instead of Time Event - Import WSDL from file without type in module name - WSDL/XSD Import is broken for elements constraining base types - Compiler: Proxy: Space in path leads to problem - Compiler: SOAP over SSL: Client certificate date goes into payload - Compiler: UI: Calling Non-deployed porttype operation from GUI - Compiler: UI: Combo box selection does not work in IE - Compiler: UI: German Umlauts in BPMN - Importer: BPMN: Problems with special characters (" in task names, umlaute in decision names) - Internal MD Error in action script with backslashes - Acton Script Editor: No space after typing keyword local - Compiler: Output pins on Action Nodes are not supported but no error have been thrown - Compiler: No error message if non service operations are tried to be intercepted - Compiler: Attribute default values are not recognized in 16.9 - Compiler: Pin to pin flows are not handled correctly - Compiler: two output pins having the same name but different types lead to opaque error.