Release Notes for E2E Bridge 5.1 ANALYZER Up to version 5.1.5 (see PDF Release Notes for latest ones) ==================== E2E ANALYZER - 5.1.5 ==================== BUGFIXES ======== - Iterators do not show called action and its input - Analyzer does not resolve input with pin correctly - Action Script Viewer cuts action script even with full trace - Menu items not highlighted in context menu - Test case overview is not shown anymore (e.g. click on the root package) - Right panel in asynchronous part does not refresh - User Interface Elements for Asynchronous Tracing don`t initialise - No statistics for transaction log - Analyzer should display correct version number ==================== E2E ANALYZER - 5.1.4 ==================== BUGFIXES ======== - RegTestTool: import of testcases does not work - RegTestTool: importing test case with mockups: mockups are lost - TraceAnalyzer: WSDL per Service Import from URL ==================== E2E ANALYZER - 5.1.3 since 5.1.0 ==================== FEATURES ======== - Backend Mockups - Regression Testing: Record/Replay - Import test cases from different Builder projects - Do not modify .testcase file when running regression tests - Single click on diagram elements fires default action on element - Show hint for special chars in strings - Improved highlighting of selected diagram elements - Introduce context menu for activities and states - double clicking an activity in the containment tree should select it in the diagram as well BUGFIXES ======== - Cannot delete WSDLs anymore - No results at Insert Test Cases from logfile - Cannot load transaction log - Error popup in asynchronous trace - Analyzer-Installer doesn`t remember Builder Projects directory - Log Analyzer: Backend Call charts missing - Fixed "Show in tree" issue - Menu items not highlighted in context menu - Iteration over SQL Script - not shown at error - If object names are too long, they cannot be read anymore. Tooltips. - Incorrect display of iterations over adapters both in UML-tree and UML-diagrams - Overlapping output image when view Action script - Rename Testcase, Re-Import produces fragments - Import in existing test case produces Java exception - Cannot run regression test - Select statements in Transformer statements lead to a Function action in the trace view - Messages are cut - Choice Value not displayed in asnc trace - Hard-coded namespace in trace header field - SOAP request: encodingStyle attribute is missing - Namespace prefixes must be stable - Mock Backends Manually: Usability Bugs - Sequence Diagram is not properly rendered - Persist test case input immediately - Analyzer Drawing problem - Objects are displayed in three different ways - Filtering in Log Analyzer does not work - Entering data on Request tab extremly slow - If interface of embedded test case changes, no refresh - Import testcase to existing suite leads to nullpointer exception - Defintion of ignored elements are not stored - Testcase Location is not updated when changing between projects - Analzyer does not start when there are troubles with the recent project - Ignore elements should be also definable on suite level - RegTestTool: importing test case with mockups: mockups are lost - TraceAnalyzer: WSDL per Service Import from URL - NULL is not correctly displayed - E2E Analyzer Custom Location - e2e Analyzer shows array of string instead array of complex type - Analyzer Installer creates wrong program entry - No statistics overview in Logfile Analyzer - Input pin object is NULL - After using copy testcase and running it, the whole diagram layout is corrupt