Unprovided Input Parameters
In the context of xUML all parameters and objects are undeletable and always present. This means, as opposed to standard JavaScript where unprovided input parameters are undefined
, all parameters are available in the JavaScript operation but NULL
in all cases.
Assume you have the following class in the Designer that defines the type of an input parameter to a JavaScript operation:

Assume further, you have a JavaScript operation taking to parameters person1
and person2
as input parameters. The following values are provided:
Not provided.
"firstName" : "John"
In this scenario, the following statements in the JavaScript operation are true:
person === null
person2.firstName === "John"
person2.lastName === null
(person2.lastName || "Snow") === "Snow"
person2.gender === undefined
person3 === undefined
If an unprovided parameter is used, a JavaScript TypeError
will be thrown.