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split() Operation


set splittedStringArray = aString.split(regExpPattern)
set splittedStringArray = split(LITERAL, regExpPattern)


Returns an array of strings. Wherever the pattern matches, the string will be split. The string fragments are stored in array splittedStringArray. The state of the current string is not changed.

Note the following behavior of regular expressions:

If pattern expression regExpPattern contains capturing parentheses, the captured data will also be saved in the destination array, together with the fields themselves (see also the examples below and the ICU User Guide > Regular Expressions > Using split()).



Can be any variable or object attribute having the type String.  


Regular expression (see Regular Expressions for a list of valid regular expressions). An introduction into regular expressions can be found at


String literal.


set splittedStringArray = s1.split("\S+");

Assume we have a string containing a list of customers in a string string:

"Spring Corp., Summer Ltd.; Autumn & Co., Winter & Partners"

Assuming that the split character is either the "," or the ";", you can split this string with the results listed below.

Regular Expression

Result splittedStringArray

set splittedStringArray = string.split("(,|;)");

["Spring Corp.", ",", "Summer Ltd.", ";", "Autumn & Co.", ",", "Winter & Partners"] 

set splittedStringArray = string.split(",|;");

["Spring Corp.", "Summer Ltd.", "Autumn & Co.", "Winter & Partners"] 

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