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Customizing Properties

Properties are data fields that describe the structure of the class. You can configure class properties as described on Changing the Attributes of Data Model Elements.




Specify the type of the property. This can be

  • one of the base types that come with the Designer

  • a type that comes with one of the add-ons, like e.g. a header structure

  • a type that has been imported from a connector or a library

  • a custom complex type defined in the data model of your process


Enable multiplicity (0..*) for this property. Once enabled, the property is treated as an array. Use one of the following to manipulate arrays:

Default Value

Specify a default (initial) value for the property. This value will be assigned automatically to the property when an object of this type is created.

It is not possible to set default values for arrays.


You can apply stereotypes to a property to be able to access more configuration options, e.g. to control XML Serialization.

Using Properties to Configure a Service

By specifying properties as so called "settings" you can make these values configurable for a Designer service. They can be overridden on the deployed service, and this way be used to apply configurations to a deployed service.

You can do this by applying stereotype Setting to a property. This allows you to define the name under which the setting is listed in the PAS Administration and in the Integration (Bridge).
If isPasswordSetting is checked, the setting value is hidden in the administration interface. See also the setting() Macro that you can use to do the same from within Action Script.

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