Number Formatting
Number Formatting is used by <<FlatFile>> parser and composer and Integer, Float and String objects (e.g.
The format processor uses similar patterns as Oracle and PostgreSQL but is not 100% compatible e.g. there's no support for scientific and roman notation.
All parse and compose functionality is influenced by locales. The <<FlatFile>> adapter and the parse and print number operations take a parameter of type Basic Components::Basic Behavior::NumbersLocale. This parameter can be used to define
Class | Attribute | Type | Description |
NumbersLocale | negativeSign | String | Characters used to signify negative values. Usually '- '. |
positiveSign | String | Characters used to signify positive values. Usually '+ '. | |
thousandsSeparator | String | Characters used to separate units of thousand, e.g. ', '. | |
decimalPoint | String | e.g. '. ' | |
currencySymbol | String | e.g. '$ ' |
To specify a number format, the attribute must have stereotype <<FlatFileAttribute>>.
Figure: Specifying a Format Tagged Value on a Class Attribute
Locale characters are by default the system locales. These can be overridden by providing a Locale structure as input parameter to flatfile parser/composer or script function.
This table shows the template patterns available for formatting numeric values.
Pattern | Description |
9 | Value with the specified number of digits. |
0 | Value with leading zeros. |
. (period) | Decimal point. |
, (comma) | Group (thousand) separator. |
PR | Negative value in angle brackets. |
S | Sign anchored to number (uses locale). |
L | Currency symbol (uses locale). |
D | Decimal point (uses locale). |
G | Group separator (uses locale). |
MI | Minus sign in specified position (if number < 0). |
PL | Plus sign in specified position (if number > 0). |
SG | Plus/minus sign in specified position. |
TH or th | Ordinal number suffix. |
V | Shift specified number of digits (see notes). |
FM | Fill mode prefix, will discard any leading spaces. |
Usage Notes
- A sign formatted using SG, PL, or MI is not anchored to the number; for example,
to_char(-12, 'S9999')
produces ' -12', butto_char(-12, 'MI9999')
produces '- 12'. - 9 results in a value with the same number of digits as there are 9s. If a digit is not available it outputs a space.
- TH does not convert values less than zero and does not convert fractional numbers.
- V effectively multiplies the input values by 10^n, where n is the number of digits following V.
does not support the use of V combined with a decimal point. (E.g., 99.9V99 is not allowed.) - Locale characters are by default the system locales. These can be overriden by providing a Locale structure as input parameter to flatfile parser/composer or script function.
You can test your own format expression with the above mentioned example.
The following locale is used:
- Negative sign "-"
- Positive sign "+"
- Thousands separator " "
- Decimal point ","
- Currency symbol "$"
Number | Format | Output String | Description |
-0.1 | 'FM9.99' | '-.1' | |
485 | 'FM999MI' | '485' | |
148.5 | 'FM999.990' | '148.500' | |
148.5 | 'FM999.999' | '148.5' | |
12 | 'FM9990999.9' | '0012.' | |
0.0 | 'FM999999999999.000' | '.000' | |
0.0 | 'FM999999999990.000' | '0.000' | |
0.0 | 'FM999999999990.099' | '0.0' | |
0.0 | 'FM999999999990.999' | '0.' | |
123.12 | '99.99' | ' ##.##' | Parsing not possible. |
0.1 | '0.9' | ' 0.1' | |
-0.1 | '99.99' | ' -.10' | no leading zeros (9 ), minus sign sticks to first number |
12 | '9990999.9' | ' 0012.0' | |
485 | '999' | ' 485' | leading blank comes from the plus sign, that is not displayed |
-485 | '999' | '-485' | |
485 | '9 9 9' | ' 4 8 5' | |
1485 | '9,999' | ' 1,485' | hard coded group separator |
1485 | '9G999' | ' 1 485' | group separator from locale |
148.5 | '999.999' | ' 148.500' | hard coded decimal point |
148.5 | '999D999' | ' 148,500' | decimal point from locale |
3148.5 | '9G999D999' | ' 3 148,500' | group separator and decimal point from locale |
12 | '99V999' | ' 12000' | value increased by factor 1000, because 3 digit are following the specification of V |
12.4 | '99V999' | ' 12400' | value increased by factor 1000, because 3 digit are following the specification of V |
12.45 | '99V9' | ' 124' | value increased by factor 10, because 1 digit is following the specification of V , last decimal is omitted because no decimals are defined in format |
-485 | '999S' | '485-' | displaying the sign from locale in rear of the number |
-485 | '999MI' | '485-' | displaying a minus sign in rear of the number, if number is negative |
485 | '999MI' | '485 ' | no minus sign added if number is positive, but empty space instead |
485 | 'PL999' | '+ 485' | adding a plus sign in front of number if number is positive (PL ), no trimming of leading spaces (empty sign in this case) |
-485 | 'PL999' | ' -485' | adding no plus sign in front of number because number is not positive (PL), negative system sign, no trimming of leading spaces |
485 | '999PL' | ' 485+' | displaying a plus sign in rear of the number, if number is positive (PL ), no trimming of leading spaces (empty sign in this case) |
-485 | '999PL' | '-485 ' | displaying a plus sign in rear of the number, if number is positive (PL ), no trimming of trailing spaces (empty sign in this case, because number is not positive) |
485 | 'SG999' | '+485' | |
-485 | 'SG999' | '-485' | |
-485 | '9SG99' | '4-85' | |
-485 | '999PR' | '<485>' | |
485 | 'L999' | '$ 485' | displaying the currency symbol in front of the number (L ), no trimming of leading spaces (empty sign in this case) |
0 | '999th' | ' 0th' | |
1 | '999th' | ' 1st' | |
482 | '999th' | ' 482nd' | |
485 | '"Good number:"999' | 'Good number: 485' | |
485.8 | '"Pre:"999" Post:" .999' | 'Pre: 485 Post: .800' |