MongoDB Adapter
This page explains the MongoDB Adapter in Bridge context. If you were looking for the same information regarding the PAS Designer, refer to MongoDB Adapter in the Designer guide.
Runtime 2021.2 Builder 7.12.0 Besides a generic SQL Database Management System (see SQL Adapter), the Bridge supports MongoDB - a NoSQL and document oriented database. MongoDB support is native and you do not need to install any client tools or drivers.
Using the MongoDB adapter, you can
Task | Adapter Action | Description | Documentation Reference |
Insert and update documents | insert | Insert new documents to a database. | |
replace | Replace one or more documents by a new one. The documents are identified by a query. | ||
update | Update all or dedicated properties of one or more documents with new values. The documents are identified by a query. | ||
Retrieve documents/information | find | Get a result set based on a provided query. You can get the result set all at once, or fetch single documents via a handle (see fetch). | |
fetch | Fetch single records from a result set that has been retrieved by find. | ||
aggregate | Aggregate data based on a query and MongoDB pipelines. | ||
Remove documents | delete | Remove one or documents from the database. The documents are identified by a query. |
To use the MongoDB adapter it is helpful if you are familiar with the concepts of MongoDB.
As opposed to standard JSON, with MongoDB the order of keys does matter. Action script statement classToJSON(), however, does not guarantee to preserve the order presented in the class. In many cases that will work but it may behave unexpectedly wrong.
So, with the MongoDB adapter use classToExtendedJSON().
Related Documentation: