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Modifying a User

Users who are member of a group, to which the role MODELER or USER has been assigned, may only modify their own user password.

Click Modify on the user you want to modify.

The dialog for modifying users is displayed:

User IdThe user id is needed to login to the Bridge and must be unique in the domain.
Letters, numeric characters, and the following special characters are allowed: ,:._/()=?}[]@#!>-
User NameLetters, numeric characters, space character, and the following special characters are allowed: ,:._/()=?}[]@#!>-
ActiveYou need to activate the user by selecting the checkbox Active. Only active users can login to the Bridge.
Group IdThe dropdown menu provides all group ids existing in the domain. Depending on your choice, the user will have full or restricted access to the functions of the Bridge (see Group Roles).

The user will need a password to login to the Bridge. The maximal password length is 50 characters.

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Retype PasswordRetype the password to ensure correct spelling.

Click Apply to save your changes. The changed user details will be replicated to each node instance of the domain.
Canceling the modification will bring you back to the user list.

After having modified the user, the user list will be displayed again.

You cannot change the group assignment of the pre-defined administration user (admin), and you cannot deactivate this user.

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