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Large Persistent State Objects in MySQL Databases

MySQL uses the concept of communication packets. A communication packet is a single SQL statement sent to the MySQL server, or a single row that is sent to the client. As per default, communication packets have a maximum size (max_allowed_packet) of 4 MB.

When a MySQL server receives a packet bigger than max_allowed_packet bytes, it issues an error and closes the connection. In the Bridge service log, you will see something like:

[Error][Internal][BESM][12][SQLAPI dbms api error while calling "Commit" on "PSTATE": 2006 MySQL server has gone away.]
[Fatal][Internal][PSADSM][39][Failed to commit Persistent State object "00010005a2af43877a3c0000001b" before releasing.]
[Error][Internal][BESM][12][SQLAPI dbms api error while calling "Execute" on "DELETE ...": 2006 MySQL server has gone away.]
[Error][Internal][BESM][12][SQLAPI dbms api error while calling "Execute" on "INSERT ...": 2006 MySQL server has gone away.]
[Error][Internal][BESM][12][SQLAPI dbms api error while calling "Execute" on "UPDATE ...": 2006 MySQL server has gone away.]

To fix this, increase max_allowed_packet on your installation of MySQL.

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