Edifact and X12 Versions
The Edifact and X12 versions listed below are supported by the E2E Bridge. You can import the related classes using the E2E Edifact Importer.
E2E Builder supports the following Edifact revisions:
1993A, 1994A and B, 1995A, 1996A and B, 1997A and B, 1998A and B, 1999A and B, 200A and B, 2001A, B and C, 2002A and B, 2003 A and B, 2004A and B, 2005A and B, 2006A and B, 2007A and B, 2008A and B, 2009A and B, 2010A and B
Revision 2010B contains the following message types:
Message Type | Description |
APERAK | Application error and acknowledgement message |
AUTHOR | Authorization message |
BALANC | Balance message |
BANSTA | Banking status message |
BAPLIE | Bayplan/stowage plan occupied and empty locations message |
BERMAN | Berth management message |
BMISRM | Bulk marine inspection summary report message |
BOPBMK | Bank transactions and portfolio transactions report message |
BPOCUS | Balance of payment customer transaction report message |
BOPDIR | Direct balance of payment declaration message |
BOPINF | Balance of payment information from customer message |
BUSCRD | Business credit report message |
CALINF | Vessel call information message |
CASINT | Request for legal administration action in civil proceedings message |
CASRES | Legal administration response in civil proceedings message |
CHACCO | Chart of accounts message |
CLASET | Classification information set message |
CNTCND | Contractual conditions message |
COACSU | Commercial account summary message |
COARRI | Container discharge/loading report message |
CODECO | Container gate-in/gate-out report message |
CODENO | Permit expiration/clearance ready notice message |
COEDOR | Transport equipment stock and profile report message |
COHAOR | Container special handling order message |
COLREQ | Request for a documentary collection message |
COMDIS | Commercial dispute message |
CONAPW | Advice on pending works message |
CONDPV | Direct payment valuation message |
CONDRA | Drawing administration message |
CONDRO | Drawing organisation message |
CONEST | Establishment of contract message |
CONITT | Invitation to tender message |
CONPVA | Payment valuation message |
CONQVA | Quantity valuation message |
CONRPW | Response of pending works message |
CONTEN | Tender message |
CONWQD | Work item quantity determination message |
COPARN | Container announcement message |
COPAYM | Contributions for payment |
COPINO | Container pre-notification message |
COPRAR | Container discharge/loading order message |
COREOR | Container release order message |
COSTCO | Container stuffing/stripping confirmation message |
COSTOR | Container stuffing/stripping order message |
CREADV | Credit advice message |
CREEXT | Extended credit advice message |
CREMUL | Multiple credit advice message |
CUSCAR | Customs cargo report message |
CUSDEC | Customs declaration message |
CUSEXP | Customs express consignment declaration message |
CUSPED | Periodic customs declaration message |
CUSREP | Customs conveyance report message |
CUSRES | Customs response message |
DAPLOS | Data Plot Sheet |
DEBADV | Debit advice message |
DEBMUL | Multiple debit advice message |
DEBREC | Debts recovery message |
DELFOR | Delivery schedule message |
DELJIT | Delivery just in time message |
DESADV | Despatch advice message |
DESTIM | Equipment damage and repair estimate message |
DGRECA | Dangerous goods recapitulation message |
DIRDEB | Direct debit message |
DIRDEF | Directory definition message |
DMRDEF | Data maintenance request definition message |
DMSTAT | Data maintenance status report/query message |
DOCADV | Documentary credit advice message |
DOCAMA | Advice of an amendment of a documentary credit message |
DOCAMI | Documentary credit amendment information message |
DOCAMR | Request for an amendment of a documentary credit message |
DOCAPP | Documentary credit application message |
DOCARE | Response to an amendment of a documentary credit message |
DOCINF | Documentary credit issuance information message |
ENTREC | Accounting entries message |
FINCAN | Financial cancellation message |
FINPAY | Multiple interbank funds transfer message |
FINSTA | Financial statement of an account message |
GENRAL | General purpose message |
GESMES | Generic statistical message |
GOVCBR | Government Cross Border Regulatory message |
HANMOV | Cargo/goods handling and movement message |
ICASRP | Insurance claim assessment and reporting message |
ICSOLI | Insurance claim solicitor's instruction message |
IFCSUM | Forwarding and consolidation summary message |
IFTCCA | Forwarding and transport shipment charge calculation message |
IFTDGN | Dangerous goods notification message |
IFTFCC | International transport freight costs and other charges message |
IFTICL | Cargo insurance claims message |
IFTMAN | Arrival notice message |
IFTMBC | Booking confirmation message |
IFTMBF | Firm booking message |
IFTMBP | Provisional booking message |
IFTMCA | Consignment advice message |
IFTMCS | Instruction contract status message |
IFTMIN | Instruction message |
IFTSAI | Forwarding and transport schedule and availability information message |
IFTSTA | International multimodal status report message |
IFTSTQ | International multimodal status request message |
IMPDEF | EDI implementation guide definition message |
INFCON | Infrastructure condition message |
INFENT | Enterprise accounting information message |
INSDES | Instruction to despatch message |
INSPRE | Insurance premium message |
INSREQ | Inspection request message |
INSRPT | Inspection report message |
INVOIC | Invoice message |
INVRPT | Inventory report message |
IPPOAD | Insurance policy administration message |
IPPOMO | Motor insurance policy message |
ISENDS | Intermediary system enablement or disablement message |
ITRRPT | In transit report detail message |
JAPRES | Job application result message |
JINFDE | Job information demand message |
JOBAPP | Job application proposal message |
JOBCON | Job order confirmation message |
JOBMOD | Job order modification message |
JOPBOFF | Job order message |
JUPREQ | Justified payment request message |
LEDGER | Ledger message |
LREACT | Life reinsurance activity message |
LRECLM | Life reinsurance claims message |
MEDPID | Person identification message |
MEDPRE | Medical prescription message |
MEDREQ | Medical service request message |
MEDRPT | Medical service report message |
MEDRUC | Medical resource usage and cost message |
MEQPOS | Means of transport and equipment position message |
MOVINS | Stowage instruction message |
MSCONS | Metered services consumption report message |
ORDCHG | Purchase order change request message |
ORDERS | Purchase order message |
ORDRSP | Purchase order response message |
OSTENQ | Order status enquiry message |
OSTRPT | Order status report message |
PARTIN | Party information message |
PAXLST | Passenger list message |
PAYDUC | Payroll deductions advice message |
PAYEXT | Extended payment order message |
PAYMUL | Multiple payment order message |
PAYORD | Payment order message |
PRICAT | Price/sales catalogue message |
PRIHIS | Pricing history message |
PROCST | Project cost reporting message |
PRODAT | Product data message |
PRODEX | Product exchange reconciliation message |
PROING | Product inquiry message |
PROSRV | Product service message |
PROTAP | Project tasks planning message |
PRPAID | Insurance premium payment message |
QALITY | Quality data message |
QUOTES | Quote message |
RDRMES | Raw data reporting message |
REBORD | Reinsurance bordereau message |
RECADV | Receiving advice message |
RECLAC | Reinsurance calculation message |
RECECO | Credit risk cover message |
RECLAM | Reinsurance claims message |
RECORD | Reinsurance core data message |
REGENT | Registration of enterprise message |
RELIST | Reinsured objects list message |
REMADV | Remittance advice message |
REPREM | Reinsurance premium message" |
REQDOC | Request for document message |
REQOTE | Request for quote message |
RESETT | Reinsurance settlement message |
RESMSG | Reservation message |
RETACC | Reinsurance technical account message |
RETANN | Announcement for returns message |
RETINS | Instruction for returns message |
RPCALL | Repair call message |
SAFHAZ | Safety and hazard data message |
SANCRT | International movement of goods governmental regulatory message" |
SLSFCT | Sales forecast message |
SLSRPT | Sales data report message |
SOCADE | Social administration message |
SSIMOD | Modification of identity details message |
SSRECH | Worker's insurance history message |
SSREGW | Notification of registration of a worker message |
STATAC | Statement of account message |
STLRPT | Settlement transaction reporting message |
SUPCOT | Superannuation contributions advice message |
SUPMAN | Superannuation maintenance message |
SUPRES | Supplier response message |
TANSTA | Tank status report message |
TAXCON | Tax control message |
TPFREP | Terminal performance message |
UTILMD | Utilities master data message |
UTILTS | Utilities time series message |
VATDEC | Value added tax message |
VESDEP | Vessel departure message |
WASDIS | Waste disposal information message |
WKGRDC | Work grant decision message |
WKGRRE | Work grant request message |
E2E Builder supports the following X12 revisions:
3040, 3050, 3060, 3070, 4010, 4020, 4030, 4040, 4041, 4042, 4050, 4051, 4052, 4060, 5010, 5011, 5012, 5020, 5030, 5050, 6010, 6020
Revision 6020 contains the following message types:
Message Type | Description |
100 | Insurance Plan Description |
101 | Name and Address Lists |
102 | Associated Data |
103 | Abandoned Property Filings |
104 | Air Shipment Information |
105 | Business Entity Filings |
106 | Motor Carrier Rate Proposal |
107 | Request for Motor Carrier Rate Proposal |
108 | Response to a Motor Carrier Rate Proposal |
109 | Vessel Content Details |
110 | Air Freight Details and Invoice |
111 | Individual Insurance Policy and Client Information |
112 | Property Damage Report |
113 | Election Campaign and Lobbyist Reporting |
120 | Vehicle Shipping Order |
121 | Vehicle Service |
124 | Vehicle Damage |
125 | Multilevel Railcar Load Details |
126 | Vehicle Application Advice |
127 | Vehicle Baying Order |
128 | Dealer Information |
129 | Vehicle Carrier Rate Update |
130 | Student Educational Record (Transcript) |
131 | Student Educational Record (Transcript) Acknowledgment |
132 | Human Resource Information |
133 | Educational Institution Record |
135 | Student Aid Origination Record |
138 | Educational Testing and Prospect Request and Report |
139 | Student Loan Guarantee Result |
140 | Product Registration |
141 | Product Service Claim Response |
142 | Product Service Claim |
143 | Product Service Notification |
144 | Student Loan Transfer and Status Verification |
146 | Request for Student Educational Record (Transcript) |
147 | Response to Request for Student Educational Record (Transcript) |
148 | Report of Injury, Illness or Incident |
149 | otice of Tax Adjustment or Assessment |
150 | Tax Rate Notification |
151 | Electronic Filing of Tax Return Data Acknowledgment |
152 | Statistical Government Information |
153 | Unemployment Insurance Tax Claim or Charge Information |
154 | Secured Interest Filing |
155 | Business Credit Report |
157 | Notice of Power of Attorney |
158 | Tax Jurisdiction Sourcing |
159 | Motion Picture Booking Confirmation |
160 | Transportation Automatic Equipment Identification |
161 | Train Sheet |
163 | Transportation Appointment Schedule Information |
170 | Revenue Receipts Statement |
175 | Court and Law Enforcement Notice |
176 | Court Submission |
179 | Environmental Compliance Reporting |
180 | Return Merchandise Authorization and Notification |
185 | Royalty Regulatory |
186 | Insurance Underwriting Requirements Reporting |
187 | Premium Audit Request and Return |
188 | Educational Course Inventory |
189 | Application for Admission to Educational Institutions |
190 | Student Enrollment Verification |
191 | Student Loan Pre-Claims and Claims |
194 | Grant or Assistance Application |
195 | Federal Communications Commission (FCC) License Application |
196 | Contractor Cost Data Reporting |
197 | Real Estate Title Evidence |
198 | Loan Verification Information |
199 | Real Estate Settlement Information |
200 | Mortgage Credit Report |
201 | Residential Loan Application |
202 | Secondary Mortgage Market Loan Delivery |
203 | Secondary Mortgage Market Investor Report |
204 | Motor Carrier Load Tender |
205 | Mortgage Note |
206 | Real Estate Inspection |
210 | Motor Carrier Freight Details and Invoice |
211 | Motor Carrier Bill of Lading |
212 | Motor Carrier Delivery Trailer Manifest |
213 | Motor Carrier Shipment Status Inquiry |
214 | Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message |
215 | Motor Carrier Pickup Manifest |
216 | Motor Carrier Shipment Pickup Notification |
217 | Motor Carrier Loading and Route Guide |
219 | Logistics Service Request |
220 | Logistics Service Response |
222 | Cartage Work Assignment |
223 | Consolidators Freight Bill and Invoice |
224 | Motor Carrier Summary Freight Bill Manifest |
225 | Response to a Cartage Work Assignment |
227 | Trailer Usage Report |
228 | Equipment Inspection Report |
240 | Motor Carrier Package Status |
242 | Data Status Tracking |
244 | Product Source Information |
245 | Real Estate Tax Service Response |
248 | Account Assignment/Inquiry and Service/Status |
249 | Animal Toxicological Data |
250 | Purchase Order Shipment Management Document |
251 | Pricing Support |
252 | Insurance Producer Administration |
255 | Underwriting Information Services |
256 | Periodic Compensation |
259 | Residential Mortgage Insurance Explanation of Benefits |
260 | Application for Mortgage Insurance Benefits |
261 | Real Estate Information Request |
262 | Real Estate Information Report |
263 | Residential Mortgage Insurance Application Response |
264 | Mortgage Loan Default Status |
265 | Real Estate Title Insurance Services Order |
266 | Mortgage or Property Record Change Notification |
267 | Individual Life, Annuity and Disability Application |
268 | Annuity Activity |
269 | Health Care Benefit Coordination Verification |
270 | Eligibility, Coverage or Benefit Inquiry |
271 | Eligibility, Coverage or Benefit Information |
272 | Property and Casualty Loss Notification |
273 | Insurance/Annuity Application Status |
274 | Healthcare Provider Information |
275 | Patient Information |
276 | Health Care Claim Status Request |
277 | Health Care Information Status Notification |
278 | Health Care Services Review Information |
280 | Voter Registration Information |
283 | Tax or Fee Exemption Certification |
284 | Commercial Vehicle Safety Reports |
285 | Commercial Vehicle Safety and Credentials Information Exchange |
286 | Commercial Vehicle Credentials |
288 | Wage Determination |
290 | Cooperative Advertising Agreements |
300 | Reservation (Booking Request) (Ocean) |
301 | Confirmation (Ocean) |
303 | Booking Cancellation (Ocean) |
304 | Shipping Instructions |
309 | Customs Manifest |
310 | Freight Receipt and Invoice (Ocean) |
311 | Canada Customs Information |
312 | Arrival Notice (Ocean) |
313 | Shipment Status Inquiry (Ocean) |
315 | Status Details (Ocean) |
317 | Delivery/Pickup Order |
319 | Terminal Information |
322 | Terminal Operations and Intermodal Ramp Activity |
323 | Vessel Schedule and Itinerary (Ocean) |
324 | Vessel Stow Plan (Ocean) |
325 | Consolidation of Goods In Container |
326 | Consignment Summary List |
350 | Customs Status Information |
352 | U.S. Customs Carrier General Order Status |
353 | Customs Events Advisory Details" |
354 | U.S. Customs Automated Manifest Archive Status |
355 | U.S. Customs Acceptance/Rejection |
356 | U.S. Customs Permit to Transfer Request |
357 | U.S. Customs In-Bond Information" |
358 | Customs Consist Information" |
359 | Customs Customer Profile Management |
361 | Carrier Interchange Agreement (Ocean) |
362 | Cargo Insurance Advice of Shipment |
404 | Rail Carrier Shipment Information |
410 | Rail Carrier Freight Details and Invoice |
412 | Trailer or Container Repair Billing |
414 | Rail Carhire Settlements" |
417 | Rail Carrier Waybill Interchange" |
418 | Rail Advance Interchange Consist" |
419 | Advance Car Disposition" |
420 | Car Handling Information" |
421 | Estimated Time of Arrival and Car Scheduling |
422 | Equipment Order" |
423 | Rail Industrial Switch List" |
424 | Rail Carrier Services Settlement" |
425 | Rail Waybill Request" |
426 | Rail Revenue Waybill" |
429 | Railroad Retirement Activity" |
431 | Railroad Station Master File" |
432 | Rail Deprescription" |
433 | Railroad Reciprocal Switch File" |
434 | Railroad Mark Register Update Activity |
435 | Standard Transportation Commodity Code Master |
436 | Locomotive Information" |
437 | Railroad Junctions and Interchanges Activity |
440 | Shipment Weights" |
451 | Railroad Event Report" |
452 | Railroad Problem Log Inquiry or Advice |
453 | Railroad Service Commitment Advice |
455 | Railroad Parameter Trace Registration |
456 | Railroad Equipment Inquiry or Advice |
460 | Railroad Price Distribution Request or Response |
463 | Rail Rate Reply" |
466 | Rate Request" |
468 | Rate Docket Journal Log" |
470 | Railroad Clearance" |
475 | Rail Route File Maintenance" |
485 | Ratemaking Action" |
486 | Rate Docket Expiration" |
490 | Rate Group Definition" |
492 | Miscellaneous Rates" |
494 | Rail Scale Rates" |
500 | Medical Event Reporting" |
501 | Vendor Performance Review" |
503 | Pricing History" |
504 | Clauses and Provisions" |
511 | Requisition" |
517 | Material Obligation Validation" |
521 | Income or Asset Offset" |
527 | Material Due-In and Receipt" |
536 | Logistics Reassignment" |
540 | Notice of Employment Status" |
561 | Contract Abstract" |
567 | Contract Completion Status" |
568 | Contract Payment Management Report |
601 | U.S. Customs Export Shipment Information |
620 | Excavation Communication" |
625 | Well Information" |
650 | Maintenance Service Order" |
715 | Intermodal Group Loading Plan" |
753 | Request for Routing Instructions" |
754 | Routing Instructions" |
805 | Contract Pricing Proposal" |
806 | Project Schedule Reporting" |
810 | Invoice" |
811 | Consolidated Service Invoice/Statement |
812 | Credit/Debit Adjustment" |
813 | Electronic Filing of Tax Return Data |
814 | General Request, Response or Confirmation |
815 | Cryptographic Service Message" |
816 | Organizational Relationships" |
818 | Commission Sales Report" |
819 | Joint Interest Billing and Operating Expense Statement |
820 | Payment Order/Remittance Advice" |
821 | Financial Information Reporting" |
822 | Account Analysis" |
823 | Lockbox" |
824 | Application Advice" |
826 | Tax Information Exchange" |
827 | Financial Return Notice" |
828 | Debit Authorization" |
829 | Payment Cancellation Request" |
830 | Planning Schedule with Release Capability |
831 | Application Control Totals" |
832 | Price/Sales Catalog" |
833 | Mortgage Credit Report Order" |
834 | Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance |
835 | Health Care Claim Payment/Advice" |
836 | Procurement Notices" |
837 | Health Care Claim" |
838 | Trading Partner Profile" |
839 | Project Cost Reporting" |
840 | Request for Quotation" |
841 | Specifications/Technical Information |
842 | Nonconformance Report" |
843 | Response to Request for Quotation |
844 | Product Transfer Account Adjustment |
845 | Price Authorization Acknowledgment/Status |
846 | Inventory Inquiry/Advice" |
847 | Material Claim" |
848 | Material Safety Data Sheet" |
849 | Response to Product Transfer Account Adjustment |
850 | Purchase Order" |
851 | Asset Schedule" |
852 | Product Activity Data" |
853 | Routing and Carrier Instruction" |
854 | Shipment Delivery Discrepancy Information |
855 | Purchase Order Acknowledgment" |
856 | Ship Notice/Manifest" |
857 | Shipment and Billing Notice" |
858 | Shipment Information" |
859 | Freight Invoice" |
860 | Purchase Order Change Request - Buyer Initiated |
861 | Receiving Advice/Acceptance Certificate |
862 | Shipping Schedule" |
863 | Report of Test Results" |
864 | Text Message" |
865 | Purchase Order Change Acknowledgment/Request - Seller Initiated |
866 | Production Sequence" |
867 | Product Transfer and Resale Report |
868 | Electronic Form Structure" |
869 | Order Status Inquiry" |
870 | Order Status Report" |
872 | Residential Mortgage Insurance Application |
873 | Commodity Movement Services" |
874 | Commodity Movement Services Response |
875 | Grocery Products Purchase Order" |
876 | Grocery Products Purchase Order Change |
877 | Manufacturer Coupon Family Code Structure |
878 | Product Authorization/De-authorization |
879 | Price Information" |
880 | Grocery Products Invoice" |
881 | Manufacturer Coupon Redemption Detail |
882 | Direct Store Delivery Summary Information |
883 | Market Development Fund Allocation |
884 | Market Development Fund Settlement |
885 | Retail Account Characteristics" |
886 | Customer Call Reporting" |
887 | Coupon Notification" |
888 | Item Maintenance" |
889 | Promotion Announcement" |
890 | Contract & Rebate Management Transaction |
891 | Deduction Research Report" |
893 | Item Information Request" |
894 | Delivery/Return Base Record" |
895 | Delivery/Return Acknowledgment or Adjustment |
896 | Product Dimension Maintenance" |
920 | Loss or Damage Claim - General Commodities |
924 | Loss or Damage Claim - Motor Vehicle |
925 | Claim Tracer" |
926 | Claim Status Report and Tracer Reply |
928 | Automotive Inspection Detail" |
940 | Warehouse Shipping Order" |
943 | Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipment Advice |
944 | Warehouse Stock Transfer Receipt Advice |
945 | Warehouse Shipping Advice" |
947 | Warehouse Inventory Adjustment Advice |
980 | Functional Group Totals" |
990 | Response to a Load Tender" |
993 | Secured Receipt or Acknowledgment |
996 | File Transfer" |
997 | Functional Acknowledgment" |
998 | Set Cancellation" |
999 | Implementation Acknowledgment" |
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