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Bridge API Reference

List of Resources


ResourceMethodDescriptionAPI VersionBridge Version
/groupsGETGet a list of all user groups and their members.2.8.0Bridge 7.1.0
/groups/{id}GETGet group information an a list of members.2.8.0Bridge 7.1.0
POSTCreate a new user group.2.8.0Bridge 7.1.0
PUTUpdate the group details of a specific group.2.8.0Bridge 7.1.0
DELETEDelete a specific group.2.8.0Bridge 7.1.0
/usersGETGet a list of all users and their details.2.8.0Bridge 7.1.0
/users/{id}GETGet the  details of a specific user.2.8.0Bridge 7.1.0
POSTCreate a new user.2.8.0Bridge 7.1.0
PUTUpdate the details of a specific user.2.8.0Bridge 7.1.0
DELETEDelete a specific user.2.8.0Bridge 7.1.0

All Services

ResourceMethodDescriptionAPI VersionBridge Version
/servicesGETGet a list of all xUML, Node.js and Java services. For each service, you get type and current status.1.0.0Bridge
POSTDeploy a service of any type (xUML, Node.js, Java).2.5.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta1

All xUML Services

ResourceMethodDescriptionAPI VersionBridge Version
/xuml/java   GETGet a list of all Java resource archives that have been uploaded to the E2E Bridge.2.6.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta2
POSTUpload a Java resource archive to the E2E Bridge.
If the resource already exists, you must remove it prior to uploading a new version.
2.6.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta2
/xuml/java/{fileName} GETGet a specific Java resource archive.2.6.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta2
DELETEDelete a specific Java resource archive.2.6.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta2
/xuml/resource   GETGet a list of all resource files that have been uploaded to the E2E Bridge.2.6.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta2
POSTUpload a resource file to the E2E Bridge.
If the resource already exists, you must remove it prior to uploading a new version.
2.6.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta2
/xuml/resource/{fileName}   GETGet a specific resource file.2.6.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta2
DELETEDelete a specific resource file.2.6.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta2
/xuml/variablesGETGet a list of all setting variables and their values.2.6.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta2
PUTChange setting variables.2.6.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta2
PATCHChange a single setting variable.2.8.0Bridge 7.1.0
/xuml/xsltGETGet a list of all XSLT resources that have been uploaded to the E2E Bridge.2.6.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta2
POSTUpload an XSLT resource file to the E2E Bridge.
If the resource already exists, you must remove it prior to uploading a new version.
2.6.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta2
/xuml/xslt/{fileName} GETGet a specific XSLT resource.2.6.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta2
DELETEDelete a specific XSLT resource file.2.6.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta2

Single xUML Service

ResourceMethodDescriptionAPI VersionBridge Version
/services/xumlGET     Get a list of all xUML services. For each service, you get type and current status.1.0.0Bridge
/services/xuml/{name}GETGet the current status of a specific service and a link list of all possible actions.1.0.0Bridge
DELETE Delete a specific xUML service.2.3.0Bridge 6.0.60
/services/xuml/{name}/customnotesGETGet the custom service description (custom notes file) of a specific xUML service.1.0.0Bridge
PUT     Change the content of the custom model notes file.1.0.0Bridge
/services/xuml/{name}/infoGETGet a list of all available SOAP and REST ports of a specific xUML service.2.6.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta2
/services/xuml/{name}/killPUTKill the running xUML service.2.5.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta1
/services/xuml/{name}/modelnotesGETGet a list of all available service descriptions (model notes files) that are available for a specific xUML service.1.0.0Bridge
/services/xuml/{name}/modelnotes/{file}GETGet the content of the service description (model notes file) of a specific xUML service.1.0.0Bridge
GETRetrieve the current service owner.2.14.0Bridge 7.25.0

Change the service owner.

Only users with role Admin can call PUT.

2.14.0Bridge 7.25.0
/services/xuml/{name}/preferencesGETGet the preferences of a specific xUML service.1.0.0Bridge
PUTChange the preferences of a specific xUML service.2.3.0Bridge 6.0.60
/services/xuml/{name}/repositoryGETExport the repository file of a specific xUML service.2.5.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta1
/services/xuml/{name}/sessionsGETGet a list of all sessions of a specific xUML service.2.5.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta1
/services/xuml/{name}/sessions/{sessionid}DELETEDelete the session of the xUML service with the given ID.2.5.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta1
/services/xuml/{name}/settingsGETGet the settings of the xUML service. Modified settings and original values from model are reported.1.0.0Bridge
PUTChange the settings of a specific xUML service.
If the request contains a non-existing setting id, it returns status code '400 (Bad Request)'.
2.3.0Bridge 6.0.60
/services/xuml/{name}/startPUTStart a specific stopped xUML service.2.3.0Bridge 6.0.60
/services/xuml/{name}/stopPUTStop a specific running xUML service.2.3.0Bridge 6.0.60
/services/xuml/{name}/version GETGet detailed version information of a specific xUML service.2.8.0Bridge 7.1.0

Java Services

ResourceMethodDescriptionAPI VersionBridge Version
/services/javaGETGet a list of all Java services. For each service, you get type and current status.1.0.0Bridge
/services/java/{name}GETGet the current status of the service and a link list of all possible actions.1.0.0Bridge
DELETEDelete the Java service.2.5.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta1
/services/java/{name}/killPUTKill the Java service.2.9.0Bridge 7.2.0
/services/java/{name}/ownerGETRetrieve the current service owner.2.14.0Bridge 7.25.0

Change the service owner.

Only users with role Admin can call PUT.

2.14.0Bridge 7.25.0
/services/java/{name}/preferencesGETGet the preferences of the Java service.1.0.0Bridge
PUTChange the preferences of the Java service.1.0.0Bridge
/services/java/{name}/startPUTStart the stopped Java service.1.0.0Bridge
/services/java/{name}/stopPUTStop the running Java service.1.0.0Bridge

Node.js Services

ResourceMethodDescriptionAPI VersionBridge Version
/services/nodejsGETGet a list of all Node.js services. For each service, you get type and current status.1.0.0Bridge
/services/nodejs/{name}GETGet the current status of the service and a link list of all possible actions.1.0.0Bridge
DELETEDelete the Node.js service.2.5.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta1
/services/nodejs/{name}/killPUTKill the Node.js service.2.9.0Bridge 7.2.0
/services/nodejs/{name}/ownerGETRetrieve the current service owner.2.14.0Bridge 7.25.0

Change the service owner.

Only users with role Admin can call PUT.

2.14.0Bridge 7.25.0
/services/nodejs/{name}/preferencesGETGet the preferences of the Node.js service.1.0.0Bridge
PUTChange the preferences of the Node.js service.1.0.0Bridge
/services/nodejs/{name}/settingsGETGet the settings of the Node.js service.2.3.0Bridge 6.0.60
PUTChange the settings of the Node.js service.2.3.0Bridge 6.0.60
/services/nodejs/{name}/startPUTStart the stopped Node.js service.1.0.0Bridge
/services/nodejs/{name}/stopPUTStop the running Node.js service.1.0.0Bridge

Type "Link"

LinkrelStringName of the relation for href (see also list of relations below).self

Link corresponding to relation rel.

The relations (rel) are stable within a major API version, but for the resource links (href) this is not guaranteed. You should read the resource link via the relation from the resource and not hard code the resource link.

Available Relations

Relation (rel)DescriptionAPI VersionBridge Version
selfhref contains a link to the resource itself.1.0.0Bridge contains a link to the service.1.0.0Bridge contains a link to the start action of the service.1.0.0Bridge contains a link to the stop action of the service.1.0.0Bridge href contains a link to the kill action of the service.2.5.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta1 href contains a link to the list of running sessions of the service.2.5.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta1 href contains a link to the export action of the service.2.5.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta1 contains a link to the service preferences.1.0.0Bridge contains a link to the service settings.2.3.0Bridge 6.0.60 href contains a link to the service description.1.0.0Bridge href contains a link to the custom service description.1.0.0Bridge href contains a link to all SOAP and REST ports of the service.2.6.0Bridge 7.0.0-beta2
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