Alias Reader
Builder 7.5.0 Runtime 2019.5 The Alias Reader enables you to get the details that have been specified on any alias from the component diagram. This adapter replaces the deployment macros get...FromAlias().
You can now get the alias details with an action node with stereotype <<AliasReader>>.
Depending on the type of alias, the Alias Reader action returns different output parameters, e.g. host, port, protocol, ... for an URL alias.
Find below a list of aliases and their output parameters.
Only these aliases will work with the Alias Reader.
Tagged Value | Description | Allowed Values / Example | |
acknowledgeMode | Specify the message acknowledge mode. | Auto | Each single message sent to a JMS provider will be acknowledged by the JMS provider (not the recipient) after recipience. Using Auto acknowledge mode in a model, a client must be prepared for possible loss of messages. |
Duplicate | Duplicate acknowledge mode corresponds to Auto acknowledge mode. Additionally, the JMS provider may send the message more than once to the same destination. The receiving application must be tolerant of receiving duplicate messages. | ||
Transacted | Messages sent to or received from a JMS provider within an activity are acknowledged explicitly after processing. Thus, the activity plays the role of a transactional lock. | ||
timeToLive | Specify the expiration time of a sent message (refer also to the description of JMSExpiration in the JMS headers/properties). | ||
selector | Specify a selector to filter the received messages. Refer to the official Java Message Service Specification for the selector statement syntax. | e.g. JMSType='alpha' | |
destinationName | Specify the name of the queue or topic. | ||
options | Specify a list of comma separated options in form of <name>=<value>. These options will be interpreted as native options. The available options depend on the JMS provider. | e.g. queue.JMSDestination=aTestQueue | |
user | Specify the JMS credentials in form of <user>/<password>. | e.g. system/manager | |
port | Specify the port the JMS provider is listening to. | ||
protocol | Protocol used to communicate with the JMS provider. The protocol normally is set automatically. | ||
jndiPath | Specify a path to the JNDI file (.bindings), if a JNDI provider is used and protocol is file. | ||
host | Specify the host name of the JMS provider. | localhost | Default. |
any other qualified host name | |||
isJNDIProvider | Specify whether the JMS provider is also a JNDI provider. Default is false if not specified. | true | The JMS provider is a JNDI provider. |
false | The JMS provider is not a JNDI provider (default). |
Additional Pins
Pin | Description | Allowed Values | |
jmsConnectionInfo | Additional class that provides an easy way to get all tagged values that can be set dynamically. You can use this class to get the tagged values from the alias, change the values you need, and provide this class to a dynamic adapter call. | See table above. |
Tagged Value | Description | Allowed Values | |
host | POP3 host. | A valid hostname. | |
port | POP3 port. | A valid port number. | |
user | Username/password. |
<<REST Alias>>
Attribute | Description | Allowed Values | |
Additional Headers (additionalHeaders) | This tagged value can contain a list of additional headers in form of name/value pairs. | Valid format is: <name>:<value>, e.g. API-Key:e2e . Separate multiple headers with a comma. | |
Base Path (basePath) | Specify here the base path of the REST service. | a valid path, e.g. /support | |
Protocol (protocol) | Specify here the protocol through which the REST service is accessible. | http, https | |
Ignore Http Errors (ignoreHttpErrors) | Specify here whether you want the REST adapter to throw an exception upon receiving an HTTP error code >= 400. | true (default) | Do not throw an exception upon receiving an HTTP error code >= 400. |
false | Throw an exception upon receiving an HTTP error code >= 400. | ||
Host (host) | Specify here the host running the REST service. | a valid host | |
Port (port) | Specify here the port through which the REST service is accessible. | a valid port | |
Follow Redirects (followRedirects) | Specify here the maximum number of redirects to follow. Default value is 0 (no redirects). | any integer | |
Options (options) | Specify native cURL options as listed in Setting cURL Options on the URL Adapter . Use one of the following syntax rules:
| ||
Json Keep Nulls (jsonKeepNulls) | When jsonKeepNulls is true, attributes of the REST parameter having NULL values will be provided with the REST call, otherwise they will be left out completely (see also chapter NULL Values). | true | Render attributes with NULL values to the REST call. |
false | Leave out attributes with NULL values in the REST call (default). | ||
Json Compact (jsonCompact) | When jsonCompact is true, the JSON composer will generate compact JSON, otherwise it will generate pretty JSON. jsonCompact defaults to true - also on re-compile of an older model with Builder as of 7.0.0-beta3. | true | Generate compact JSON (default). |
false | Generate pretty JSON. | ||
Request Http Header Roles (requestHttpHeaderRoles) | Builder 7.12.0 Runtime 2020.12 In the context of HTTP based adapters (URL, REST, SOAP), enable automatic header generation for the listed headers. These definitions overwrite the default behavior, and X-Transaction-Id, X-Request-Id, X-Sender-Host and/or X-Sender-Service will be substituted by this definition. requestHttpHeaderRoles can hold a list of definitions in format | client_host | Provide the client host in a header <http header name> instead of X-Sender-Host. |
client_service | Provide the client service in a header <http header name> instead of X-Sender-Service. | ||
correlation_id | Provide the correlation ID in a header <http header name> instead of X-Request-Id. | ||
transaction_id | Provide the transaction ID in a header <http header name> instead of X-Transaction-Id. | ||
passthrough | Pass a present header <http header name> to the called service. | ||
passthrough= | Pass an present header <request header name> to the called service under the name of <http header name> .This is equivalent to renaming a header. | ||
Digest Algorithm (digestAlgorithm) | Runtime 2021.1 Builder 7.12.0 Generates a HTTP digest header using the specified algorithm. When applied, a digest header is generated using the specified algorithm, and sent with the request . The generated header conforms with RFC3230 and RFC5843. Only one value is supported (no multi-value header). | None | No header generated. |
MD5 | Generate header using MD5 algorithm. | ||
SHA | Generate header using SHA algorithm. | ||
SHA-1 | Generate header using SHA-1 algorithm. | ||
SHA-256 | Generate header using SHA-256 algorithm. | ||
SHA-512 | Generate header using SHA-512 algorithm. | ||
User (user) | Specify credentials here, if the called REST service needs basic authentication. Other authentication algorithms have to be implemented manually via HTTP headers (see additionalHeaders and Setting REST Request Options). | Valid format is <user>/<password>, e.g. e2e/e2e | |
Proxy Settings (if the called REST service is accessed via a proxy) | |||
Proxy Type (proxyType) | Specify the proxy type. | See CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE. | |
Proxy URL (proxyURL) | Specify the URL of the proxy server. | See CURLOPT_PROXY. | |
Proxy User (proxyUser) | Specify the proxy credentials. | See CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, valid format is <user>/<password>, e.g. e2e/e2e | |
SSL Settings (if the called REST service uses SSL) | |||
Ssl CA Info (sslCAInfo) | Specify a file name containing additional certificates for the connection verification (e.g. additional root CAs). | See CURLOPT_CAINFO. | |
Ssl Certificate File (sslCertificateFile) | Specify a fle name containing the client certificate. | See CURLOPT_SSLCERT. | |
Ssl Certificate Type (sslCertificateType) | Specify the type of the certificate. | See CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE. | |
Ssl Private Key File (sslPrivateKeyFile) | Specify a file name containing the private key. | See CURLOPT_SSLKEY. | |
Ssl Private Key Password (sslPrivateKeyPassword) | Specify the password for the private key. | See CURLOPT_KEYPASSWD. | |
Ssl Private Key Type (sslPrivateKeyType) | Specify the type of the key. | See CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE. | |
Ssl Verify Host (sslVerifyHost) | Specify whether to verify the host information form the SSL connection. | See CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST. | |
Ssl Verify Peer (sslVerifyPeer) | Specify whether to verify the peer information from the SSL connection. | See CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER. |
Additional Pins
Pin | Description | Allowed Values | |
requestOptions | Additional class that provides an easy way to get all tagged values that can be set dynamically. You can use this class to get the tagged values from the alias, change the values you need, and provide this class to a dynamic adapter call. | See table above. |
Tagged Value | Description | Mandatory / Optional | Allowed Values | |
protocol | Supply the connection protocol | mandatory | rfc | to use the RFC protocol |
trfc | to use the tRFC protocol | |||
host | Supply the gateway host name (optional). | mandatory | any string, must be a valid SAP host | |
localhost (default) | ||||
client | Supply the SAP logon client. | mandatory | any string, must be a valid SAP client | |
user | Supply user and password. | mandatory | any string matching the pattern "<user>/<password>" | |
systemNumber | Supply the system number of the SAP system. | optional | any string, default = "00" | |
routerString | The router string is an additional routing information used by SAP RFC backend clients. SAP RFC clients prepend the DNS hostname with this string to get an application server name that is resolvable by the RFC library. | optional | any string | |
poolSize | Runtime 2015.10 Supply the maximum number of parallel connections to the SAP system.
If all connections from the SAP connection pool are in use, warnings will be logged to the transaction log each second a service is waiting for connection.
In this case, increase the pool size to solve the problem. | optional | default = 10 | |
language | Supply the SAP logon language. | optional | 1-byte SAP language like E for English, D for German | |
2-byte ISO language like EN for English, DE for German | ||||
sapTrace | The effect of this flag being true is two fold:
The SAP trace level has to be defined in tagged value connectionString. See Client Connection Options for a list of the allowed trace level values. | optional | ||
options | A blank separated list of name value pairs: name1="value1" name2="value2", and so forth. The possible name value pairs can be found further below. | optional |
Tagged Value | Description | Allowed Values |
host | Supply the fully qualified name of the smart host. | any string, must be a valid SMTP server |
localhost (default) | ||
port | Supply the SMTP port number of the smart host. | any integer |
25 (default) | ||
user | Supply user and password as user/password. | any string |
Tagged Value | Description | Allowed Values / Examples | |
Soap Version | Specify the SOAP version used with this SOAP call. | 1.1 | Use SOAP version 1.1 (default). |
1.2 | Use SOAP version 1.2. | ||
Protocol | Specify the transport protocol. | ||
Method (method) | Specify the HTTP method. | One of: get, post (default), read, write, put, list, patch | |
Port (port) | Specify the machine port number the service is binding to. | a valid port number (default: 80) | |
Path (path) | Specify the HTTP path for the SOAP request. | ||
Host (host) | Specify an optional host name. | a valid hostname (default: localhost) | |
Advanced | |||
Timezone (timezone) | Time zone string as specified in the time zone appendix. timezone is used to print DateTime expressions. | Examples: If "local" is used, the date/time is printed relative to the local timezone of the Bridge, for example: | |
Date Format String (dateFormatString) | Date formatting code as listed in Date and Time Formatting. If nothing is defined, the XSD standard is used. | Example: | |
Request Http Header Roles (requestHttpHeaderRoles)
| Builder 7.12.0 Runtime 2020.12 In the context of HTTP based adapters (URL, REST, SOAP), enable automatic header generation for the listed headers. These definitions overwrite the default behavior, and X-Transaction-Id, X-Request-Id, X-Sender-Host and/or X-Sender-Service will be substituted by this definition. requestHttpHeaderRoles can hold a list of definitions in format | client_host | Provide the client host in a header <http header name> instead of X-Sender-Host. |
client_service | Provide the client service in a header <http header name> instead of X-Sender-Service. | ||
correlation_id | Provide the correlation ID in a header <http header name> instead of X-Request-Id. | ||
transaction_id | Provide the transaction ID in a header <http header name> instead of X-Transaction-Id. | ||
passthrough | Pass a present header <http header name> to the called service. | ||
<request header name> | Pass an incoming header <request header name> to the called service under the name of <http header name> .This is equivalent to renaming a header. | ||
Digest Algorithm (digestAlgorithm) | Builder 7.12.0 Runtime 2021.1 Generates a HTTP digest header using the specified algorithm. When applied, a digest header is generated using the specified algorithm, and sent with the request . The generated header conforms with RFC3230 and RFC5843. Only one value is supported (no multi-value header). | None | No header generated. |
MD5 | Generate header using MD5 algorithm. | ||
SHA | Generate header using SHA algorithm. | ||
SHA-1 | Generate header using SHA-1 algorithm. | ||
SHA-256 | Generate header using SHA-256 algorithm. | ||
SHA-512 | Generate header using SHA-512 algorithm. | ||
Follow Redirects (followRedirects) | Maximum number of redirects to follow. | any integer | |
Options (options) | Specify native cURL options as listed in Setting cURL Options on the URL Adapter. Also refer to this page for more details on how to set these options. | Example: CURLOPT_TIMEOUT=20 | |
Ignore Http Errors (ignoreHttpErrors) | Not implemented for SOAP. | ||
Authentication | |||
User (user) | Username/password. | ||
Proxy | |||
Proxy Type (proxyType) | Type of the proxy | one of: HTTP , SOCKS5 | |
Proxy User (proxyUser) | Proxy user. | ||
Proxy URL (proxyURL) | URL of the proxy server. | ||
SOAP | |||
Send Transaction ID | Defines whether the transaction ID is sent in a SOAP header element <TransactionID>...</TransactionID> with namespace . | false | Do not send transaction ID in the SOAP header element. |
true | Send transaction ID in the SOAP Header element (default). | ||
Message Format | Defines the formatting of the SOAP message. | None | Format messages without using linebreaks and indentation. |
Linebreaks | Format messages using linebreaks, but no indentation (default). | ||
Indentation | Format messages using linebreaks and indentation. | ||
SendCorrelationID | Defines whether the correlation ID is sent in a SOAP header element <CorrelationID>...</CorrelationID> with namespace . | false | Do not send the correlation ID in the SOAP header element. |
true | Send the correlation ID in the SOAP header element (default). | ||
SSL | |||
Ssl Private Key Type (sslPrivateKeyType) | Type of the private key. | one of: PEM (default), DER, ENG | |
Ssl Verify Host (sslVerifyHost) | Whether to verify the host information form the SSL connection. | On | Verification on (default). |
Off | Verification off. | ||
Existence | Limit verification to the mere existence of the host. | ||
Ssl Verify Peer (sslVerifyPeer) | Whether to verify the peer information from the SSL connection. | On | Verification on (default). |
Off | Verification off. | ||
Ssl Private Key File (sslPrivateKeyFile) | Name of the file that contains the private key. | ||
Ssl Private Key Password (sslPrivateKeyPassword) | Password for the private key. | ||
Ssl Certificate File (sslCertificateFile) | Name of the file that contains the client certificate. | ||
Ssl CA Info (sslCAInfo) | Name of the file containing additional certificates for the connection verification (e.g. additional root CAs). | ||
Ssl Certificate Type (sslCertificateType) | Type of the certificate. | one of: PEM (default), DER, P12 |
Additional Pins
All URL adapter tags are also relevant for the SOAP adapter. See also Providing the SOAP Adapter with URL Parameter.
Pin | Description | Allowed Values | |
urlMessage | Additional class that provides an easy way to get all tagged values that can be set dynamically. You can use this class to get the tagged values from the alias, change the values you need, and provide this class to a dynamic adapter call. | See table above. |
Tagged Value | Description | Allowed Values | |
General | |||
dbConnectionString | The format of the database connection string depends on the type of the database. For more details see Database Server-Specific Notes for SQL Adapters. | ||
dbType | Type of the database. | Oracle, SQLServer, InterBase, SQLBase, ODBC, DB2, Informix, Sybase, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DBTypeVariable | |
dbTypeVariable | If the tagged value dbType is set to DBTypeValue, the dbTypeVariable tagged value is used to define the type of the database. The dbType then can be defined by a setting variable. | Any global setting variable from the E2E Bridge. | |
user | DB user. Optional the password can be given after a '/'. However, this is recommended for development purposes only. | Example: {{DB_USER}}/{{DB_PASSWORD}} | |
options | This tagged value can hold a comma separated list of <name>=<value> pairs. These list elements are interpreted as native options. The possible name-value pairs depend on the database type. A comprehensive list can be found at | Example: SSPROP_INIT_ENCRYPT=VARIANT_TRUE | |
transactionIsolationLevel | Bridge 7 Specify here the required transaction isolation level of the SQL connection according to SQL-92 standard. Refer to Wikipedia for a detailed description of the available isolation levels. | DBMS default | Use the default isolation level of the connected database system. |
Read uncommitted | Lowest isolation level. Dirty reads allowed, SQL adapter may fetch not-yet-committed changes of other transactions. | ||
Read committed | Lock-based concurrency control. | ||
Repeatable read | Lock-based concurrency control. | ||
Serializable | Highest isolation level. Lock-based concurrency control. | ||
Localization | |||
charset | Any database uses a charset to encode Strings. If the database uses UNICODE charsets (UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32), encoding is handled automatically. If the database is not UNICODE compliant, the Bridge assumes 7-bit ASCII by default. However, in many cases it necessary to define the charset explicitly. This is done by the tagged value charset as shown below. The charset needs to be the same as defined at the database settings. All possible charset definitions are listed in section Charset Definitions. | Example: | |
timezone | You can enter a valid time zone or the value local, which uses the time zone of the xUML service. See Time Zones for a list of possible values. If timezone does not contain any content (is NULL), UTC is used. | Default is NULL | Example: |
unicodeMode | Added in Builder Runtime 2015.15 Specify the encoding for database access. | Platform default (default) | Use the platform default mode. This is
This option is backwards compatible to older Runtimes. |
Unicode | Force Unicode mode. | ||
non-Unicode | Force non-Unicode mode. | ||
Connection Pooling | |||
connectionPooling | Added in Builder Runtime This tagged value controls the connection pooling. If true, each connection is put into a pool after use. If an SQL adapter requires a connection, it is taken from the pool. If no connection is available, a new connection is being created and put into the pool after use. The time the connection is kept in the pool depends on the other pooling parameters. | true | Database connections are pooled. |
false | Database connections are not pooled. | ||
maxConnectionAge | After a given connection age (in minutes) the connection will be closed and removed from the pool. | Connection age in minutes, default is 15 minutes, -1 means forever. | |
maxConnectionIdleTime | Connections not used for the time specified (in minutes) will be closed and removed from the pool. | Values in minutes, default is 60. | |
maxConnectionReuse | This tagged value controls how often a connection can be re-used. After the connection has been re-used for maxConnectionReuse, it will be closed and not put back into the pool. This feature has been introduced because some databases had problems if the connection was re-used too often. Value -1 means the connection will be re-used forever. In this case you should define reasonable values for maxConnectionAge or maxConnectionIdleTime (see above). | 0 | pooling is implicitly switched off. |
-1 | connections are pooled forever | ||
a value | number of connections to be pooled, default is 1000. | ||
Qualifier | |||
schema | String that prefixes tables and stored procedures. For example, if schema is set to S1, all tables accessing the current DB are prefixed by "S1.". | ||
tableQualifier | String that prefixes tables. For example, if tableQualifier is set to TQ1, all tables accessing the current DB are prefixed by "TQ1", e.g. |
Name | Description | Allowed Values / Examples | |
Protocol (protocol) | Transport protocol. | one of: ldap, file, ftp, ftps, sftp, gopher, http (default), https, telnet | |
Port (port) | Machine port number the service is binding to. This port number can be given at service level only. | a valid port number (default: 80) | |
Path (path) | HTTP path for the SOAP request. | ||
Host (host) | Host name. Default is "localhost" if no value is specified. | a valid hostname (default: localhost) | |
Method (method) | HTTP method of the URL adapter call. Default is "POST" if no value is specified. | one of: get, post (default), read, write, put, list | |
Advanced | |||
Follow Redirects (followRedirects) | The maximum number of redirects to follow. | any positive integer or 0 | |
Ignore Http Errors (ignoreHttpErrors) | If true, HTTP error codes > 300 will not cause an exception in the model. This implies, that the response body is accessible even if HTTP errors occur. The default value is false. | true | Ignore HTTP error codes > 300. |
false | Do not ignore HTTP errors (default). | ||
Options (options) | Native cURL options as listed on Setting cURL Options on the URL Adapter . Use one of the following syntax rules:
| valid cURL options, e.g. CURLOPT_TIMEOUT=20 | |
Request Http Header Roles (requestHttpHeaderRoles) | Builder 7.12.0 Runtime 2020.12 In the context of HTTP based adapters (URL, REST, SOAP), enable automatic header generation for the listed headers. These definitions overwrite the default behavior, and X-Transaction-Id, X-Request-Id, X-Sender-Host and/or X-Sender-Service will be substituted by this definition. requestHttpHeaderRoles can hold a list of definitions in format | client_host | Provide the client host in a header <http header name> instead of X-Sender-Host. |
client_service | Provide the client service in a header <http header name> instead of X-Sender-Service. | ||
correlation_id | Provide the correlation ID in a header <http header name> instead of X-Request-Id. | ||
transaction_id | Provide the transaction ID in a header <http header name> instead of X-Transaction-Id. | ||
passthrough | Pass a present header <http header name> to the called service. | ||
<request header name>
| Pass an incoming header <request header name> to the called service under the name of <http header name> .This is equivalent to renaming a header. | ||
Dig est Algorithm (digestAlgorithm) | Builder 7.12.0 Runtime 2021.1 Generates a HTTP digest header using the specified algorithm. When applied, a digest header is generated using the specified algorithm, and sent with the request . The generated header conforms with RFC3230 and RFC5843. Only one value is supported (no multi-value header). | None | No header generated. |
MD5 | Generate header using MD5 algorithm. | ||
SHA | Generate header using SHA algorithm. | ||
SHA-1 | Generate header using SHA-1 algorithm. | ||
SHA-256 | Generate header using SHA-256 algorithm. | ||
SHA-512 | Generate header using SHA-512 algorithm. | ||
Authentication | |||
User (user) | Username/password. | ||
Proxy | |||
Proxy URL (proxyURL) | URL of the proxy server. | ||
Proxy User (proxyUser) | Proxy user. | ||
Proxy Type (proxyType) | Type of the proxy | one of: HTTP , SOCKS5 | |
SSL | |||
Ssl CA Info (sslCAInfo) | Name of the file containing additional certificates for the connection verification (e.g. additional root CAs). | ||
Ssl Certificate File (sslCertificateFile) | Name of the file that contains the client certificate. | ||
Ssl Private Key File (sslPrivateKeyFile) | Name of the file that contains the private key. | ||
Ssl Private Key Password (sslPrivateKeyPassword) | Password for the private key. | ||
Ssl Certificate Type (sslCertificateType) | Type of the certificate. | one of: PEM (default), DER, P12 | |
Ssl Verify Host (sslVerifyHost) | Whether to verify the host information form the SSL connection. | On | Verification on (default). |
Off | Verification off. | ||
Existence | Limit verification to the mere existence of the host. | ||
Ssl Verify Peer (sslVerifyPeer) | Whether to verify the peer information from the SSL connection. | On | Verification on (default). |
Off | Verification off. | ||
Ssl Private Key Type (sslPrivateKeyType) | Type of the private key. | one of: PEM (default), DER, ENG |
Additional Pins
Pin | Description | Allowed Values | |
urlMessage | Additional class that provides an easy way to get all tagged values that can be set dynamically. You can use this class to get the tagged values from the alias, change the values you need, and provide this class to a dynamic adapter call. | See table above. |
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