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URL Rewriting

With the URL Rewriting Policy, URLs in the request URL, the request header, the response body or the response header can be changed during a request.

This policy cannot be used for any other replacements besides URLs. The policy is implemented specifically to find and replace valid URLs.

Configuration Options


Basic Configuration



Possible Values


How to Rewrite URLs

Find all URLs matching regular expression

A regular expression used to identify a matching URL found in the response.

Regular expressions must be written in Java syntax.

a string


Use the regular expression to replace matching URLs

The replacement URL. Regular expressions can be used.

Regular expressions must be written in Java syntax.

a string


Rewrite URL in

Request URL

Enable if URLs should be replaced in the request body.

  • enabled

  • disabled


Response Body

Enable if URLs should be replaced in the response body.

  • enabled

  • disabled


Request Headers

Enable if URLs should be replaced in the request headers.

  • enabled

  • disabled


Response Headers

Enable if URLs should be replaced in the response headers.

  • enabled

  • disabled


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