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Header Allow/Deny

The Header Allow/Deny Policy allows the user to control which incoming requests may be forwarded to the backend service. Permission is granted by adding values for a header.

When a request is received, the policy examines the HTTP headers. The configured rules are applied using a regular expression against the names and values. If these are permitted, the request is passed unmodified to the backend API. If they are not allowed, an HTTP 403 response is returned and the call to the backend service is not executed.

Configuration Options


Basic Configuration



Possible Values


Header Name

Name of the HTTP header, e.g. Host

a string


Allow request if header is missing

Determines whether the request is accepted if a header is missing.

  • true

  • false


Allow request if no rules match

Determines whether the request is considered if no rule applies.

  • true

  • false



Allow request if value matches

Determines whether the request is considered if the value applies.

  • true

  • false


Header Value Regex

Defines the header value.

  • You can enter multiple regular expressions, use the plus button to add a new line and option Delete to remove a line from the list.

  • The regular expressions are processed in the displayed order from top to bottom. Use the arrow buttons to reorder the list.

Regular expressions must be written in Java syntax.

a string


Click Add to create more rows in the table. Click Delete to remove selected rows.

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