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IP Allowlist

The IP Allowlist Policy allows access to an API’s resource based on the IP address of the client. The user must specify the IP address ranges to be included from being able to access the API. Any addresses that are not explicitly allowed are not able to access the API. It is possible to use wildcard characters to specify the allowed IP addresses. It is also possible to define the return error code sent in the response to the client in case a request fails due to the violation of this policy.

An IP Blocklist policy overrides an IP Allowlist policy.

Configuration Options


Basic Configuration



Possible Values


Failure Response

Select how the gateway should respond to a client if the request fails due to a violation of this policy.

  • Authentication Failure (403)

  • Not Found (404)

  • Server Error (500)

Server Error (500)

IP Address Rule

The IP address(es), and/or ranges of addresses that will be allowed to access the API. IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.

valid IP formats such as:

  • Literal Addresses: or 2001:db8::1

  • CIDR Address Ranges: or 2001:db8:1212::/48

  • Dashed Address Ranges:

  • Wildcards: 192.0.2.*


Click Add to create more rows in the table. Click Delete to remove selected rows.

Advanced Configuration



Possible Values


IP Address HTTP Header

Optional. The header can be used to identify the original IP address of the client.

The PAS gateway runs behind a proxy. There is no need to add the header X-Real-IP in the custom header field IP Address HTTP Header.

a string


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