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SOAP Authorization

The SOAP Authorization Policy is nearly identical to the Authorization policy, with the exception that it accepts a SOAP Action in the HTTP header. Make sure to set either the Basic Authentication or the Keycloak OAuth policy as a precondition. Option Forwarding roles must be enabled on the used policy.

This policy will only accept a single SOAP Action header. It will not extract the operation name from the SOAP body.

Configuration Options


Basic Configuration



Possible Values


SOAP Action

Defines the SOAPAction the policy should be applicable to.

Regular expressions must be written in Java syntax.

a string



The role that must be assigned to the user if this pattern matches the request.

a string


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Multiple Match Action

Define the action for when authorization rules match.

  • any

  • at least one


Unmatched Request Action

Define the action for when authorization rules do not match.

  • pass

  • fail


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