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Simple Header

The Simple Header Policy sets, updates and/or removes headers on request, response or both. The values can be literal strings, environment or system properties. Headers can be removed by simple string equality or regular expression.

The X-API-Key cannot be added to a header.

Configuration Options

Add Headers

Add headers to a request, response or both, or overwrite headers.

OptionDescriptionAllowed Values
Header Name Specify the name of the header to set.any string
Header Value Specify the value of the header to set, or key into the environment or system properties.Any value corresponding to the value of Value Type.
Value Type

Specify how to treat the Header Value.


Treat as a literal string value (default).
EnvTreat as a key into the environment  Env[headerValue] , and set the returned value to the header.
System PropertiesTreat as a key into the JVM’s system properties and set the returned value to the header.
HeaderTreat as a header name of the incoming request and set this incoming header's value to the header.
Apply To

Specify where to apply the rule.

RequestApply the rules to the request only (default).
ResponseApply the rules to the response only.
BothApply the rules to both, request and response.
Overwrite Existing Specify whether to overwrite any existing header with same name.trueOverwrite existing header.
falseDo not overwrite existing header (default).

Strip Headers

Remove headers matching a pattern from a request, response or both.

OptionDescriptionAllowed Values
Strip Header(s) That Match

Define what field to apply the pattern specified with Pattern to.


Strip headers whose keys matches the specified Pattern (default).
ValueStrip headers whose values matches the specified Pattern.
With Matcher TypeDefine how the pattern specified with Pattern should be handled.StringThe pattern contains a (case-insensitive) string (default).
RegexThe pattern contains a (case-insensitive) regular expression
PatternString to match or compile into a regex, depending on the value of with.A valid string according to the definitions in With Matcher Type.

Apply ToWhere to apply the rule.RequestApply the rules to the request only.
ResponseApply the rules to the response only.
BothApply the rules to both, request and response (default).
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