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IP Blocklist

The IP Blocklist Policy blocks access to the resource of an API based on the IP address of the client. Users are able to use wildcard characters in specifying the IP addresses to be blocked. In addition, you have the option of specifying the return error code sent in the response to the client if a request is denied.

An IP Blocklist policy overrides an IP Allowlist policy.

Before PAS 22.1.1 the name of this policy was IP Blacklist. Existing policy configuration will be shown with the old name.

Configuration Options

OptionTypeDescriptionPossible ValuesDefault
IP Address HTTP Header String

Optional. Tells the API Management to use the IP address found in the given HTTP request header instead of the one associated with the incoming TCP socket.

In the default setup the gateway runs behind a proxy. In the default scenario there is no need to add the header X-Real-IP in the custom header field IP Address HTTP Header.

Failure Response Enum The server response code. Authentication Failure (403)
Not Found (404)
Server Error (500)
Enter an IP address Array[<ipList>]

The IP address(es), and/or ranges of addresses that will be blocked from accessing the API. IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.

  • Literal addresses
  • CIDR address ranges (netmasks)
  • Dashed address ranges
  • Wildcards
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