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HTTP Security

The HTTP Security Policy allows to set security-related HTTP headers such as HSTS, CSP and XSS protections.

Use the provided links underneath the fields to open further information on the subject in the Mozilla or Microsoft developer documentation.

Configuration Options

HTTP Strict Transport Security

OptionTypeDescriptionPossible ValuesDefault
Enable HTTP Strict Transport (HSTS) Boolean Set to true if you want to enable HTTP Strict Transport.true / falsefalse
Include Subdomains Boolean Set to true if you want to include subdomains.true / falsefalse
Maximum Age IntegerDelta seconds user agents should cache HSTS status for.-0
Enable HSTS Preload Flag Boolean

Flag to verify HSTS preload status. Popular browsers contain a hard-coded (pinned) list of domains and certificates, which they always connect securely with. Users must submit a request for their domain to be included in the scheme.

For more detailed information about Strict-Transport-Security go to the official Mozilla online documentation.
For further details about Chromium's HSTS preload list, go to

true / falsefalse

Content Security Policy

OptionTypeDescriptionPossible ValuesDefault
CSP Mode EnumDefines the content security policy mode to use.


Content Security Policy Definition String

A valid CSP definition must be provided.

For further details about the Content Security Policy go to the official Mozilla online documentation.

Frame Options Enum

Defines if, or how, a resource should be displayed in a frame, iframe or object.

For further details about the Frame Options go to the official Mozilla online documentation.

XSS Protection Enum

Enable or disable XSS filtering in the UA.

For further details about X-XSS-Protection go to the official Mozilla online documentation.

Content Type Options Boolean

X-Content-Type-Options: Prevent MIME-sniffing to any type other than the declared content type.

For further details about the X-Content-Type_Options go to the official Mozilla online documentation.

true / falsefalse

Related Documentation:

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