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Using Existing Test Cases to Create Reference Data

You can create test suites and some tests manually in the Regression Test tool. But the effective SOAP operations calls have to be defined using the Trace Analyzer and imported afterwards. In many cases you will already have tested the service in question e.g. at development time and you have got tests defined in the Trace Analyzer anyway.

After opening the PState Builder project, the Analyzer displays lots of test cases of this project in the Trace Analyzer. These test cases were delivered together with the examples.

While building up a sample test scenario, we will be working on pstatePurchaseOrder.PurchaseOrderExample.PurchaseOrderExample.

Deploy the PurchaseOrderExample service to localhost and check if the service is running (see Starting and Stopping xUML Services in the Integration (Bridge) User's Guide).

Disable Trace for all test cases you want to use for regression testing.

Tracing information, that is provided by the xUML Runtime, contains a large amount of data and most of it is not relevant for testing purposes. It also contains date-time information and internal ids, that may change from time to time and that will get into the reference data with tracing enabled.
For information on how to disable trace on a test case, refer to Modifying Test Case Properties.

Run all test cases of the purchase order example (for more information on how to do that refer to The xUML Model Compiler). The result of these test case runs will be used as reference data in the Regression Test tool. For more information on how to run a test case with the Trace Analyzer refer to Running a Test.

When running the test cases regard the fact, that they are depending on each other, e.g. you need to create an order before adding items to it, and so on. For example, use the following order of test case runs:

  1. Create Purchase Order 1 and 2

  2. Add Item 1 and 2

  3. Add Gratifications for Wishes Unlimited

  4. Get All Purchase Orders

  5. Get Purchase Order 1

  6. Check Out Order 1 and 2

  7. Get Purchase Orders from 1970-11-01

  8. Close Purchase Order 1 and 2

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