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Setting a Request Timeout

Analyzer 7.2.0 As per default, regression test actions that have a network request have no timeout. You can change the timeout defaults via Java system properties:


Default Timeout

Java System Property


Establish connection

1 minute

Specify a value in milliseconds. A value of -1 means: no timeout.

Wait for response

10 minutes

Specify a value in milliseconds. A value of -1 means: no timeout.

The following test actions do support timeouts:

To start the Analyzer with changed timeout defaults, add these as additional lines to the Analyzer configuration file (<your installation folder>/Analyzer/jre/bin/E2EAnalyzer.config):


The setting above starts tests with a timeout of 5000 ms for waiting for a response of network requests.

To set the same timeouts for the Analyzer refer to Setting a Request Timeout for the Regression Test Command Line Tool.

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