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Downtimes and Change Log


Downtimes are defined periods of time during which errors should not trigger notifications. For example: If an SAP system is being updated and will temporarily be unavailable, some services may throw corresponding errors. Since this is known in advance, a downtime for these errors can be configured to avoid the flood of error notifications.

Configuring Downtimes

You can set downtimes for single errors or for whole error groups (see page Managing Error Groups for details).

If you want to set a downtime for one specific error, click the Downtime button of the error in the list. This will open the list of defined downtimes for the current entry:

The downtime specifics will open in a pop-up window. Click Create New Entry to enter a new downtime:


Set the new downtime in the Dowtime Definition pop-up. Downtimes can either be created for a certain date, or on a day pattern:


The downtime is added to the downtime specific list:

To change or delete a downtime from an error in the list, click button Downtime again to reopen the Downtime Specific List. Double-click the downtime entry you want to change or delete:

The downtime definition of this entry will open.

  • Change the settings and click Modify to save the changes.

  • Click Delete if you do not want to use this downtime any more.


Change Log

If you want to view the change log of the service monitor, click the View Change Log button above the service error list:

The change log list is displayed. It shows the trace of all changes on monitoring data sets:

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