Tutorial 1: Modeling BPMN and Forms
In our first tutorial, you will learn the basics of application creation: You start by modeling a business process in the form of a BPMN model. Then, you will create the forms that application users need to fill out during process execution. Follow our example user story and help David Stringer perform his tasks.
All content in a lighter font color refers to the story of the tutorial.
Follow Our Example User Story
David Stringer of ACME Corp. has newly installed Scheer PAS Designer. Now, he wants to get a first impression on the capabilities, and so he is going to implement a simple order approval service for their purchasing department:
Employees can file orders for internal purchase.
They are only allowed to place orders that do not exceed a given limit. Such orders are forwarded to the supervisor, who has the option to approve or reject them. Orders below that limit should be processed automatically.
The purchase orders are maintained in an ERP system.
You are going to help him with that task.
If you are doing a trial and you have already received your personal credentials, you can access the PAS systems as follows:
Prospects: As an interested party, please use the URL to our TRY system: https://try.saas.pas-cloud.com/pas/app/portal/home.
Customers: If you are a PAS customer, you can use your own customer system for the tutorials. Tip: Have an administrator create your own profile for you.
Scheer Employees: As a Scheer colleague, you can access the company's TRIAL system at https://demo.scheer-solutions.com/pas-trial/app/portal/home.
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