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Step 3: Differences in Testing

Testing the Service

After a successful deployment, the deployed service is accessible via the deployment Controls section. Click Application to open your app:


The handling of the deployed service is the same as that of the test service:

  • You can create new instances and execute the process.

  • You can access the instance overview.

Create a test instance to verify that the UI looks the same as in your previous test:


Check if the new order limit of 500 is applied:


Test Service vs. Deployed Service

The difference between a test service and a deployed service is: Even if the developer changes the test service, the deployed service is a stable version and not affected by changes in the test environment. Refer to Developing with Designer from Version 23.1 for a more detailed presentation of the development process with Scheer PAS Designer.

To test this, go back to the Designer and open Form_EnterWebOrder. Enter a new label element:

Configure the new element as follows:

Form Elements Name

Attributes Content


  • Label: ACME Order Form

  • Style: Header 2, align center, and apply a color of your choice

Test Service

Check the controls panel.
If the test environment is ready, open the test service:


Create a new test instance:


Form_EnterWebOrder shows the last change: The new label element is displayed:

Deployed Service

Open the deployed service:


Create a new test instance:


Form_EnterWebOrder does not show the last change as it was done after the deployment:


Congratulations - you have done it!
You have deployed, managed and tested your service.

Next Level
You want to discover more?
In Tutorial 5: Adding Roles to the Process you learn how to insert roles to your service to enable the approval.

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