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Step 1: The Differences in Visibility

David Stringer created the PrivateEchoAPI_Stringer with two plans:

  • Plan Gold with the visibility API Management Users and a higher rate limit.

  • Plan Standard with the visibility API Developer Portal and a low rate limit.

David has also enabled option Requires Approval for both APIs: Users who want to use the API must first ask for permission. This gives him full control over who uses his API.

On the homepage of the ACME API Developer Portal, John Snow of customer Winter & Partners detects the PrivateEchoAPI_Stringer. He knows that David Stringer always provides helpful APIs for testing and is curious about this new API.

He clicks Learn More:

On the details page of the API, plan Standard is displayed. John Snow wants to sign up for this API. Since Winter & Partners is a customer of ACME Corp., John already has a PAS account with API Management permission. So he logs in to the portal:

As a logged in user with API Management permission, John can now also see plan Gold:

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